- 存折:pass book, back book, deposit book;
- 信用卡:Credit card;
- 支票:Check, cheque;
- 股票:stock, share; 股市:stock exchange market;
- 债券:bond;
- 基金:fund, foundation;
- 预算:budget,
- 赤字:deficit;
- 通货膨胀:Inflation;
- 通货紧缩:deflation;
- 储蓄银行:savings Bank;
- 花旗银行:citi Bank, National city(citi) Bank of New York;
- 汇丰银行:HSBC,Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation;
- 渣打银行:Standard Chartered Bank;
- 中国银行:Bank of china; BC
- 中国人民银行:People's Bank of China;PBC
- 中国工商银行:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China;ICBC
- 中国建设银行:China Construction Bank;
- (中国)交通银行:(Chinese?)Bank of Communications;
- 中国农业银行:Agricultural Bank of China;
- 中国邮政储蓄银行:Postal savings bank of china;
- 广东发展银行:Guangdong Development Bank;
- 上海浦东发展银行:Shanghai Pudong Development Bank;
- 北京银行:Bank of Beijing;
- 瑞士联合银行:Union Bank of Switzerland;
- 瑞士信贷集团:Credit Suisse Group;
- 世界银行:world Bank;
- 贬值:Depreciation, Devaluation;
- 升值:Appreciation, Revaluation;
- 顺差:favorable balance,Surplus;
- 逆差:adverse balance (of trade), deficit;
- 投资:Investament;invest;
- 经济繁荣:Economic prosperity; Economic boom;
- 经济衰退:economic recession;
- 经济萧条:economic depression, economic slump;
- 经济危机:economic crisis;
- 经济复苏:economic recovery;
- 国内生产总值:gross domestic product;
- 国民生产总值:gross national product;
- 跨国公司:transnational corporations, multinational corporations, international, global;
- 母公司:parent company;
- 子公司:subsidiary;
- 国有企业:State-owned enterprises;
- 集体企业:collective enterprises; 集体所有制:colletive ownership;
- 私营企业:private-owned enterprises;
- 外资企业:Foreign-funded enterprises; Three-funded enterprises(三资企业);
- 个体所有:individual ownership;
- 民族企业:domestic enterprises;
- 循环经济:circular economy;
- 中国名牌:chinese brand names;
- 农民工:migrant workers;
- 次贷危机:subprime mortgage crisis;
- 金融海啸:Financial tsunami;
- 金融风暴:financial storm;